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Fostering a playful & engaging learning environment
User Experience
Lessons on design that cover the most recent developments.
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Web Development
Classes in development that cover the most recent advancements in web.
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Marketing courses that cover the most recent marketing trends
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Meet the Heroes
On Ed-Circle, instructors from all over the world instruct millions of students. We offer the knowledge and abilities.
Courses was fantastic! It is Master platform for those looking to start a new career, or need a refresher.
Jacob Jones
Student, National University
Our recent blogs
November 16, 2014
Three Pillars of User Delight
Delight can be experienced viscerally, behaviourally, and reflectively. A great design is ...
September 24, 2017
UX Mapping Methods
Visual-design principles can be applied consistently throughout the process of creating a polished UX map...
UI Design
March 13, 2014
Agile Development Projects and Usability
Agile methods aim to overcome usability barriers in traditional development, but post new threats to user experience quality.
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Our Most Popular Class
Let's join our famous class, the knowledge provided will definitely be useful for you.
08 hr 12 mins
Figma UI UX Design..
Use Figma to get a job in UI Design, User Interface, User Experience design.
Jane Cooper
2001 Enrolled
01 hr 2 mins
Building User Interface..
Learn how to apply User Experience (UX) principles to your website designs.
Esther Howard
2001 Enrolled