Digital Marketing Blogs

The latest industry news, interviews, technologies, and resources.
Digital Marketing

Why are Soft Skills so important for your career?

Soft skills refer to non-professional talents related to how you operate. They include how you connect with the people you interact with, especially in a work place, handle problems, and manage your workload.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

How To Develop Critical Thinking

Critical thinking refers to the process of evaluating proof, the information available to one, observations, and reasoning in order to reach a conclusion.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

How to Boost Your Productivity?

Often, many of us tend to push our work, procrastinate, and not work to the best of our abilities. We also sometimes put out low quality work, work that doesn’t reflect our potentials and doesn’t match up to standards set for us
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

How to Gain Success at work?

Regardless of which field or industry your career pertains to, a certain set of skills will always help you at work.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

How Taking Initiative Can Help You?

Researchers define initiative as work behaviour that is defined by one's decision to start doing something by themselves, with a self-starting proactive approach, and perseverance in overcoming obstacles in the pursuit of a goal
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

How To Solve All Your Problems (Fast)?

While problem solving seems like a skill that you will only use when it is brought up in a professional setting or institutional workshops on the same, it is actually a really important ability to possess.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

What is creativity?

Creativity is the ability to think of new ideas and concepts and to eventually be able to turn them into a reality. It is a key skill, especially in today’s day and age.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

Going Viral: Is It Just Luck or Can You Hack the System?

If you recognised these rows of green, grey, and yellow squares, you were likely on your phone a lot in the first half of 2022. This image is from Wordle, a word game that went viral worldwide sometime around January 2022.
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

Gig Economy: Ways That You Can Benefit From Freelance

Suppose that you have a company that is launching a new product. You need a team of content creators, designers, and marketers to help you in the launch. Would you hire permanent employees for each of these roles?
July 1, 2024
Digital Marketing

5 Useful Email Marketing Stats For You

Email marketing has its pros and cons. While 40% of customers admit to having unopened emails in their inboxes, small businesses and B2B companies have a lot to benefit from email marketing.
October 18, 2023
Digital Marketing

5 Fun Factors For Improved Brand Recognition

Have you ever asked for Sellotape when you wanted adhesive tape? Or asked for a Kleenex instead of a tissue? Brand recognition is powerful and desirable. Let's look at 5 considerations in creating brand awareness.
October 18, 2023
Digital Marketing

Top 5 Blogging Stats To Boost Readership

Are you a content writer? Does your business have a blog? While quality brings readers to your doorstep, there are multiple factors to ensure they stay. Here are the top 5 blogging statistics you can use to grow your readership
October 18, 2023